Security Solution
IT security is always mentioned as the unfinished race between “black hat” and “white hat”, “criminal attack methods” and “defending solutions”, moreover it’s the battle of “good” and “bad” in the society. The criminal attack will never be totally terminated and it’s actually developed with the latest, higher and more dangerous technology. In opposite site, the security solutions are also frequently upgraded, developed, replaced by latest ones to prevent the criminal attacks.
Investment on IT security, like other IT investments, needs to have the efficiency evaluation, however sometime it’s forgotten that the suspended systems or stealth of information due to criminal attacks causes many lost values which is uncountable by money in many cases.
The main IT security components of enterprises are as follow:
· Vendors and Clients
Understanding the importance of IT security, INFONET keeps investing on the resources and cooperating with the top security vendors all around the world to provide the optimal and comprehensive security solutions to customers. The long term security partners of INFONET include Checkpoint, Cisco, HP, IBM, BlueCoat, RSA, MCafee, MobileIron, VMWare, Imperva, Arbor, FireEye, Dell, Kaspersky, TrendMicro, F5, Citrix,…
After nearly 15 years, INFONET is the system integrator elected to provide the security consultancy and implementation services to many big customers. INFONET has the honor to cooperate with the following clients:
o The State Bank of Vietnam - SBV
o Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam – Vietcombank
o Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – BIDV
o Vietnam Development Bank - VDB
o Southeast Asia Joint Stock Commercial Bank – SeaBank
o Vietnam Joint Stock Bank for Industry and Trade - Vietinbank
o Vietnam Ministryof Public Security – MPS
o Vietnam Electricity Group – EVN
o General Department of Vietnam Customs – GDC
o General Department of Taxation - GDT
o VinGroup